Youth Mental Health Summit
Tamika C. B. Zapolski, Ph.D.
Tiffany Creager, MSW, LSW
Implementing Dialectical Behavior Therapy Principles and Strategies for Youth Presenting with High-Risk Behaviors – Dr. Tamika Zapolski
Adolescence is a developmental period marked by engagement in risk-taking behaviors, especially among youth who struggle with impulsivity or emotion dysregulation. Thus, interventions that teach skills to reduce the risk of negative outcomes associated with emotional dysregulation are warranted. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for Adolescents (DBT-A) uses cognitive behavioral and mindfulness techniques to address difficulties in four specific areas—distress tolerance, mindfulness, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness—and has been proven to be effective in addressing mental and behavioral health challenges among adolescents across multiple clinical settings. This presentation aims to provide a deeper dive into the DBT principles and strategies to engage youth who present with high-risk behaviors.
Healing Centered Engagement – Tiffany Creager
Engage with youth by focusing on strength and supporting mental wellness! Participants will develop an understanding of how trauma impacts development, relationships, and learning. We will begin the shift from traditional thought to trauma-informed engagement/discipline practices through the application of educational neuroscience and healing centered engagement. Participants will leave with strategies rooted in science that can be integrated directly into existing practices.
"The Intersection of Faith & Mental Health: Discipleship in Action” - Paige Clingenpeel
Research is showing us that this generation has received the most mental health treatment, yet continues to see a staggering amount of mental health struggles in both adults and children. The church has the opportunity to stand in the gap between medical, therapeutic providers and the community struggling. However, who is equipping the church to serve these populations? This session discusses research, evidenced-based practices and the intersection of theology and psychology for church leaders who want to empower, equip and serve their church.
Let’s Talk About Mental Health: Essential Skills and Instilling the 4 Cs – Kerrie Fineran, Ph.D., and Brooke Sellhorn, LMFT
We know that feelings of depression, anxiety, and suicidal behaviors are increasing amongst children and youth. In this session, the presenters will explore barriers to mental health, how to identify youth who are at risk for mental health issues, essential skills for creating a culture of care, and how to utilize Lew and Bettner’s Crucial C’s (Connection, Counting, Capability, and Courage) in your work with young people.
Death Happens—Let’s Talk, Rally, and Support! - Cindy Maldonado-Schaefer & Erick Baker
During this workshop, participants will be presented with startling statistics indicating the number of youth experiencing death not only across our state but also in local counties. Erin’s House has established a longstanding partnership with a research-based children’s grief center to obtain both real-time and projected statistics. But what do all these numbers signify, and how can we respond to them effectively? Erin’s House will guide you through strategies we've employed to address these statistics and provide tangible tools for working with bereaved youth within your own organizations.
Mental Health and Substance Use Among Black Youth – Dr. Tamika Zapolski
The presentation describes mental health and substance use among youth, highlighting prevalence specific to Black youth. Risk and protective models for understanding adolescent health are presented, as well as culturally specific models for racial/ethnic minority youth. Cultural factors that influence health-related behaviors among Black youth are presented, as well as cultural considerations that can enhance interactions, increase relevance, and improve efficacy of interventions/programs when working with Black youth.
Effective Strategies for Youth with Anxiety - Tiffany Creager
Anxiety is one of the biggest mental health challenges our youth face. According to the CDC, 7.1%of children ages 3-17 have diagnosed anxiety and numbers have been on the rise at an alarming rate. Together we will discuss what is contributing to the steady increase and focus on how to integrate evidence-based strategies into our work and lives that will support the mental health of our children while decreasing symptoms of anxiety and increasing self-esteem.
Equipping Youth in a Digital Age - Paige Clingenpeel
We often hear about the negative impact technology has on youth. However, we don’t often hear the biological or sociological reasons behind this bad influence—and when youth don’t understand the WHY, they won’t change the behavior. This session discusses not only the evidence of how technology is changing the brains and social relationships of this young generation (and adults), but how to equip youth and leaders who work with youth to choose healthy ways to interact with technology. We can’t take technology away, but we can empower youth to use it wisely!
Let’s Talk About Mental Health: Having Difficult Conversations – Kerrie Fineran, Ph.D.
Sometimes bringing up mental health is a difficult thing to do. We often don’t know how to approach the conversation or how to manage our own emotional reactions in response to what is shared. In this session, we will discuss strategies for having difficult conversations with youth about mental health. Ways to open and hold trauma-informed discussion, strategies and skills to respond and de-escalate tense situations, and how to manage your own feelings and reactions as someone trying to help will be explored.
Death Sucks! Strategies for Helping Youth Heal - Cindy Maldonado-Schaefer
Participants will gain access to research-based ideas and practices to implement when working with youth in their organizations. We will dive deeper into the topic of grief and its impact on youth, exploring its various dimensions and effects in greater detail. Participants will leave equipped with tangible strategies, creative ideas, and unconventional activities aimed at engaging youth in discussions about a sucky topic!