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Questions? Contact Training Coordinator Jessica Gervais at

The Great KIDS Leadership Academy empowers leaders from all professional sectors to advance the well-being of Allen County’s children and families.  Our focus for this convening of the Academy is achieving positive youth development by utilizing strength-based practices, with particular emphasis on intentional relationships and community engagement.

The vision of the Great KIDS Leadership Academy is to equip community leaders across all professional sectors to have an impact on positive youth development through increased knowledge of strength-based practices.  The Academy participants will spend time focusing on positive youth development as framed by Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets.

Upon completion of the academy, participants will receive a Continuing Education Certificate from Purdue University Fort Wayne.

Applications are accepted from January 22 - February 9, 2024.  Applicants will participate in an individual interview prior to selection and the cohort will be notified of selection by March 4, 2024. There is no fee for participants.  


The Great KIDS Leadership Academy is designed for public and private sector leaders working in social services, juvenile justice, education, health care, law enforcement, mental health and other community organizations. Attendees of the Leadership Academy will be the current and future leaders of these organizations—responsible for and capable of effecting change.


After completing the Leadership Academy training, participants will be responsible for the implementation of a Capstone Project — a set of actions designed and implemented by Academy participants to initiate collaborative efforts to improve awareness of evidence-based, positive youth development practices and the development of resources to address needs in Allen County.


The Academy has been developed through consultation with Shay Bilchik, JD, and Macon Stewart, MSW, of the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform, Georgetown University, McCourt School of Public Policy.

Funding for the Great KIDS Leadership Academy has been made possible by Foellinger Foundation.

2024 Leadership Academy: Enneagram Leadership Series

About this Series:

Our times call for grounded, differentiated leadership.  Motive sits behind every decision we make and action we take.  But if we don't clearly know our motivation, we become unintentionally vulnerable to unhealthy leadership that will impact others in negative ways.   

What if you could know and understand how your motive is guiding your leadership?  The Enneagram wisdom offers you a depth of insight unparalleled to give you just that understanding of yourself and how you are showing up in your leadership.  

Do you know your motivation and understand yourself so well as to see the healthy side of of who you are so that your impact is positive?  So that you enhance what is most important to you?  Do you know how to "catch yourself" sliding into the unhealthy side of your personality and leadership and pivot?  Can you see when you are entering the space of “self-sabotage,” impacting you and those you lead?  Your gift in your Enneagram type is a gift... until it isn't.  Are you able to recognize when it is moving towards no longer being a gift?   

Join Great KIDS Leadership Academy for this year’s Enneagram and Leadership Series to learn how to have deeper awareness and understanding about yourself for ensuring healthy leadership in decisions and action! 

The Enneagram Leadership Series will be lead by David Bell

About David:

I have been integrating the Enneagram wisdom into my life, relationships, and work for over a decade now. First it was personal… for me to understand myself and in particular, why I had found myself in the years preceding experiencing a season of acute anxiety. The insight that the Enneagram gave me into those years - that I had “workaholic-ed” myself into that place of anxiety as an Enneagram 3 trying to be successful in the eyes of important others - not only brought healing and freedom from that pursuit, but also the wisdom to know how to avoid that path again. And then it turned professional as I began to use the Enneagram wisdom in my work as a pastor both with individuals and couples as well as some teaching within the church context. In all my years of interpersonal work with people, I had never seen life-change and growth as a much as I did (and do) when integrating the Enneagram into the conversations.

Academic Background:

Taylor University – Bachelor of Arts, 1995
Beeson Divinity School, Samford University – Master of Divinity, 2000
Missio Seminary – Doctor of Ministry, 2012

May 23rd, 2024: Leadership Academy Kickoff

PART 1: Your Core Style through the Lens of Leadership 

Initial sessions will lead each person to identify their core Enneagram type.  From there, we will take an in-depth look through the lens of leadership as expressed in each core style.  In particular, attention is given to each style’s leadership strengths and weaknesses highlighted by each style’s greatest leadership vulnerability. 

PART 2: Finding Balance in pursuit of Healthy Leadership  

Here we delve into the practical wisdom that balancing the Centers of Intelligence offers each of us.  In particular, we will name the Leader’s Challenge offering specific ideas for navigating that challenge to move toward health in one’s leadership.  Additionally, sessions in this portion of the series will lead us to consider how balancing our Orientation to Time and our Instinctual Biases supports our pursuit of healthy leadership. 

PART 3: Cultivating Movement toward Your True Leadership Identity 

As the series draws toward a close in the latter part of the year, we will draw together the wisdom of the previous sessions for the purpose of cultivating a leadership identity that moves along the trajectory of our true self.  In particular, focus is narrowed to the ways in which each style can be “unhealthily” addicted to leadership with pathways for movement forward so that leaders understand what is being asked of them in order to lead from health and wholeness. 

Other Academy Dates:

June 27th

July 18

August 22

September 26

October 3 (Conference on Youth)

October 17

November 14

December 12

*In order to qualify for a continuing education certificate, only 1 absence may be excused throughout the program

October 3rd, 2024: 35th Annual Conference on Youth

Questions? Contact Training Coordinator Jessica Gervais at jessica@greatkidsallencounty.org