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Protecting Youth in the Digital Age: Understanding Online Exploitation and Trafficking
5:30 PM17:30

Protecting Youth in the Digital Age: Understanding Online Exploitation and Trafficking

Registration: FREE
Two (2) CEUs offered to participants.

Presented by Jeremy Greenlee (Program Director, Indiana Trafficking Victims Assistance Program) & Kristen Lewis (Task Force Officer with the FBI)

As a result of increased social medica usage among youth, previous human trafficking recruitment techniques have shifted online, exploiting vulnerabilities in youth, and making virtual exploitation a new reality.  This training will delve into the complex usage of technology to gain an understanding of how traffickers leverage online platforms, social media, and communications to recruit, control, and exploit their victims.  This training will equip participants with the knowledge, skills and resources needed to navigate the digital landscape safely to learn how to respond, report and contribute to the prevention of human trafficking in the digital age.   

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Catch Your Breath: A Rest That Works
9:00 AM09:00

Catch Your Breath: A Rest That Works

Championing transformative rhythms of work and rest reminds us that who we are matters and what we do makes a difference. Learning how to “rest well” in the midst of crisis, comeback, and recovery reacquaints us with the peace and quiet our souls have tried to live without. When we choose to realign our lives to the motto "Run Hard. Rest Well." – we are prepared to advance into the world fueled and recharged.

Two (2) CEUs offered to participants.

Masks will be required when entering the building until seated. In accordance with local guidelines, seating will be socially distanced & this workshop will be limited to 25 participants.

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Catch Your Breath: A Rest That Works (Zoom)
10:30 AM10:30

Catch Your Breath: A Rest That Works (Zoom)

Championing transformative rhythms of work and rest reminds us that who we are matters and what we do makes a difference. Learning how to “rest well” in the midst of crisis, comeback, and recovery reacquaints us with the peace and quiet our souls have tried to live without. When we choose to realign our lives to the motto "Run Hard. Rest Well." – we are prepared to advance into the world fueled and recharged.

One (1) CEU offered to attendees who complete the evaluation.

Click here to register

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Developmental Assets:  The Power of Relationships (11/23)
1:00 PM13:00

Developmental Assets: The Power of Relationships (11/23)

In this session we will take a look at the ACE Study (adverse childhood experiences), the effects of adverse experiences, and how we can build resiliency in individuals with high ACE scores. Relationships are vital resources in young people's development, and assets are built primarily though positive, healthy relationships. The Search Institute released a framework of the 40 Developmental Assets, which identifies a set of skills, experiences, relationships, and behaviors that enable young people to develop into successful and contributing adults. Data collected from Search Institute surveys of more than 4 million children and youth from all backgrounds and situations has consistently demonstrated that the more Developmental Assets young people acquire, the better their chances of succeeding in school and becoming happy, healthy, and contributing members of their communities and society.

One (1) CEU will be offered to participants

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Moving Forward: Life After COVID-19
10:00 AM10:00

Moving Forward: Life After COVID-19

Everyone has had to adjust their lives in some way because of COVID-19.  During this training, we are going to discuss the impact of having to make these changes and how to find meaning in difficult circumstances.
Join us for this interactive opportunity to explore how we can not only cope with the stress many of us have experienced, but how we can effectively move forward with the tools and skills we have developed during this unprecedented time.

This training will be offered online through Zoom
(A training link will be sent to your email prior to this session)

One (1) CEU will be offered to participants

Click here to register

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Developmental  Assets:  The Power of Relationships (Zoom meeting)
2:00 PM14:00

Developmental Assets: The Power of Relationships (Zoom meeting)

In this session we will take a look at the ACE Study (adverse childhood experiences), the effects of adverse experiences, and how we can build resiliency in individuals with high ACE scores. Relationships are vital resources in young people's development, and assets are built primarily though positive, healthy relationships. The Search Institute released a framework of the 40 Developmental Assets, which identifies a set of skills, experiences, relationships, and behaviors that enable young people to develop into successful and contributing adults. Data collected from Search Institute surveys of more than 4 million children and youth from all backgrounds and situations has consistently demonstrated that the more Developmental Assets young people acquire, the better their chances of succeeding in school and becoming happy, healthy, and contributing members of their communities and society.

During the current pandemic, most of us have been physically separated for several weeks due to social distancing. This has created the need for youth workers and caregivers to find new & creative ways to build assets with our youth. Join us as we discover ways to promote resiliency, optimism & relational connections in young people.

Registration for his session is full. Watch for more offerings in May 2020.

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Developmental Assets
2:00 PM14:00

Developmental Assets

In this session we will take a look at the ACE Study (adverse childhood experiences), the effects of adverse experiences, and how we can build resiliency in individuals with high ACE scores. Relationships are vital resources in young people's development, and assets are built primarily though positive, healthy relationships. The Search Institute released a framework of the 40 Developmental Assets, which identifies a set of skills, experiences, relationships, and behaviors that enable young people to develop into successful and contributing adults. Data collected from Search Institute surveys of more than 4 million children and youth from all backgrounds and situations has consistently demonstrated that the more Developmental Assets young people acquire, the better their chances of succeeding in school and becoming happy, healthy, and contributing members of their communities and society.

During the current pandemic, most of us have been physically separated for several weeks due to social distancing. This has created the need for youth workers and caregivers to find new & creative ways to build assets with our youth. Join us as we discover ways to promote resiliency, optimism & relational connections in young people.

Registration for his session is full. Watch for more offerings in May 2020.

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Great COMMUNITIES Lecture Series:  Emotional Well-being: GRIT and the Path to Resilience
9:00 AM09:00

Great COMMUNITIES Lecture Series: Emotional Well-being: GRIT and the Path to Resilience

About the Lecture: Emotional Intelligence has gained momentum as an awareness movement and understanding EI assists in understanding the role that resilience plays in overall well-being. The path to resilience begins with relationship. Positive relationship development includes accountability and realization beyond behaviors that create intrinsic resilience. Participants will learn to implement best practices to encourage feelings of youth connectedness to support systems. They will also explore GRIT and the growth mindset as a tool for increasing well-being and develop a plan to implement resources that can support their work to develop youth's growth mindset and overall well-being.

Click Here to Register

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Relationships Matter: Encouraging Positive Identity through Relational Development
10:00 AM10:00

Relationships Matter: Encouraging Positive Identity through Relational Development

Youth are constantly looking to better understand and define themselves in a social media world. It has been said that people cannot have a sense of purpose until they know how much they matter. This is even more true for children and youth who are in the thick of developing their identity. This interactive lecture will help us understand the value of relationships within the scope of youth identity while also helping us look at our own ability to help youth grow their self-understanding and initiative in healthy ways.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn about the overarching framework of developmental relationships through the lenses of the Search Institute and Simple Interactions.

  2. Dive into the four specific Positive Identity dimensions of the Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets.

  3. Develop new tools & strategies that will encourage youth in strengthening their positive identity.

Two (2) CEUs offered to participants. Limited seating available.

Click here to register

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